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Sustainable Business Strategies for Circular Economy

Rohemajandus ja jätkusuutlikkus

Green Economy

This is a practical course that provides the skills and knowledge to implement circular economy principles and create sustainable business models. You will learn how to apply circular design, form strategic partnerships, and measure the impact on business growth and sustainability. Through lectures, guest talks, and group work, you’ll explore legal frameworks and business strategies. This course is ideal for those looking to drive sustainable initiatives in their organization and turn environmental sustainability into a competitive advantage.


4 nädalat

01.02.2025 - 01.03.2025



Kontakttunnid toimuvad klassiruumis ajakava järgi.



Loengud ja õppematerjalid on läbivalt ingliskeelsed.




20 ak/t

Iseseisev töö:

84 ak/t

Kursuse tutvustus

Why Circular Economy Matters

The linear economy's current production and consumption models drive significant environmental harm, including natural resource depletion and climate change. This course highlights the importance of transitioning to circular economy principles, offering strategies for businesses to create sustainable value while addressing environmental and economic challenges.

Engaging Learning Experience

Participants will benefit from a dynamic learning environment with face-to-face lectures, interactive group work, and active classroom discussions. Multimedia content, real-life case studies, and guest speakers further enrich the learning experience, making complex concepts more relatable.

Key Concepts and Frameworks

The course covers essential topics, including circular economy principles, sustainability frameworks like ESG and SDGs, and the legal and regulatory aspects of circular business models. It emphasizes innovative strategies, value chain development, and addressing consumer behavior in fostering a sustainable, circular economy.

Kursuse eesmärk

The aim of this multidisciplinary course is to provide participants with practical knowledge and skills to successfully implement circular economy and sustainability business strategies. By the end of the course, participants will be able to analyse circular economy concepts, create sustainable business models, develop partnerships, apply circular design principles, and assess the impact of these strategies.

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Avatud ülikooli projektijuht

Kadri Osula

Avatud ülikooli projektijuht








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